Parent Information

A whole school assembly is held every Monday morning at 9:05 am in the Bristol.
Parents are invited to come along as we recognise recent accomplishments and provide information about upcoming happenings at school.
At the end of the school year, we gather as a school community to celebrate outstanding learning and personal achievement.
Parents of students receiving an award are notified by the Principal.
It is vital that your child attends and is on time for school every day.
Regular attendance is essential to make sure learning is not disrupted. Regular learning provides building blocks for the future. Attending school helps children to develop important social skills, such as friendship building, teamwork, communication skills and healthy self-esteem.
Your child is not expected to attend school if they are sick or injured and, in some circumstances when a genuine, acceptable reason for the absence is given.
Please do not allow your child to stay at home for minor reasons. For example, a personal shopping trip or to celebrate a birthday.
If your child is absent from school a note of explanation is required. See Absences below:
If a child is absent from school, parents are asked to enter the details on uEducateUs or telephone the school office at 5726 1421 by 9:30 am stating the reason.
Any child arriving at school after 9.00 am should be accompanied by a parent and must pass through the office to sign in.
If unable to telephone the school on the day of absences, parents should send a brief note with the child when he/she returns to school after any absence.
Our main form of communication with parents and carers is via our online platform uEducateUs. uEducateUs is used to communicate upcoming excursions, events and general notices. Excursion permission slips can be authorised and signed online.
Parents are encouraged to download the app to remain up to date with current information, and if necessary notify the class teacher of student absences. Teachers can communicate with individual parents as required.
The school newsletter is sent home every second Friday with the eldest child in the family. Information on current activities for the school community is featured.
2023 Newsletters
Term 1
2024 Newsletters
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
These will be sent home as required by the classroom teachers or School Council. There is also a Parent Notice board outside the Year 5-6 classroom, where current information is displayed for student and parent attention. Parents are encouraged to contact the school office if they are uncertain about any school activity.
Parents are invited to visit the school at any time to discuss their child’s progress although we do request that an appointment is made beforehand. If parents have any concerns or questions about any issues relating to the school and its programs, please contact the school directly. We believe that it is preferable to raise issues of concern early so that appropriate action can be taken to benefit all concerned. Early discussion of concerns can assist in solving potential problems as soon as possible.
Parent Teacher Discussions
Formal reporting will occur according to the following time table;
February/March: Parent /Student/ Teacher Interviews
June: Written Report Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
December: Written Report Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
The CSEF is an annual State Government payment made to the school which is used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the benefit of the eligible student. Primary school funding is $125 per year.
To be eligible for this fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a registered Government School must be a holder of a current Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), or be a temporary foster parent.
Application forms are available at the school office.
If you wish to use the CSEF to assist with the cost of upcoming school camps, then please fill out and return the form.
Bushfire Readiness Fact Sheet
Click here to the Bushfire Readiness Factsheet.
CLICK HERE to find the Emergency Closures link which lists all schools closed in the event of a Code Red day.
Click here to view School preparedness and pre-emptive actions for the bushfire season
To assist families with planning their school breaks, we aim to provide parents and carers with term dates.
It is recommended that families plan their holidays to coincide with the term breaks in order to minimize student absences and disruption to learning.
The 2025 Victorian school term dates are:
Term 1: January 28 to April 4, 9 weeks and 3 days long
Term 2: April 22 to July 4, 10 weeks and 3 days long
Term 3: July 21 to September 19, 8 weeks and 4 days long
Term 4: October 6 to December 19, 10 weeks and 4 days long
At the end of each school Term, students are dismissed at the earlier time of 2.30 pm
The 2025 Victorian school holiday break dates are:
Autumn break: April 5 to April 21
Winter break: July 5 to July 20
Spring break: September 20 to October 5
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